Six Steps to Navigating Connecticut’s Pass-Through Entity Tax
A recent CT legislative development is the introduction of the optional Connecticut (CT) Pass-Through Entity (PE) tax, effective for tax years beginning in 2024. Overview of the Optional CT Pass-Through Entity Tax Commencing on January 1, 2024, the CT Pass-Through Entity tax becomes optional for all pass-through entities, including partnerships, S corporations, and applicable limited […]
You moved out of New York, but you left your Trust behind: Tax and Administrative Implications of New York Resident and Non-Resident Trusts
Trusts in General Trusts are utilized by individuals to efficiently transfer their assets to their loved ones, while minimizing estate tax implications. Establishing a properly drafted trust can shield the trust’s property from being included in the settlor’s gross estate for estate tax purposes, ensuring the assets are distributed as per the settlor’s wishes and […]
Reminder on Connecticut’s Mandatory Employer Retirement Plans
Reminder on Connecticut’s Mandatory Employer Retirement Plans As a Connecticut small business employer, you are required to enroll in the mandatory CT Savers Plan by August 31, 2023 (extended date) or opt out of the CT plan, by implementing an employer-sponsored plan. How the CT Plan affects employers: Employers will be required to register, or […]
Connecticut Expands and Further Defines Sick Leave Under SB2
06 July 2023 Connecticut Expands and Further Defines Sick Leave Under SB-2 On June 26, 2023, Connecticut’s governor signed SB 2, which expands the reasons covered employees can use leave under the state’s paid sick and safe leave law, effective October 1, 2023. Recap on Connecticut Paid Sick and Safe Leave: Connecticut was an early adopter of […]