Stay compliant with the new federal reporting requirements with our expert assistance. We will ensure that the necessary information about the individuals who own or control your business is accurately filed with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Trust Accavallo & Company, LLC to handle your reporting needs and keep your business in compliance.
BOI filing can be tricky and time-consuming, but with our expertise, you can focus on your business while we handle the paperwork.
According to FinCEN, a beneficial owner is somebody who either (1) exercises substantial control over the company or (2) owns or controls at least 25% of the company’s ownership interests. For example, if you are the senior officer in the company (CEO, CFO, president, other C-level executive, etc.) or if you have control over a company’s board of directors or if you have other decision-making authority, you have substantial control
A company that was created in the United States by filing a document with a secretary of state or a similar state or tribal office or similar office in a US territory is required to report BOI.
You do NOT have to file if you are a sole proprietor, even if you have a fictitious business name (FBN, also known as doing business as, DBA) and/or obtained an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS and/or have a professional or occupational license.
You DO have to file if you run a single-member LLC, regardless of how you are taxed (pass-through or as a corporation), because you formed the LLC by filing with your secretary of state. All other corporate structures and partnerships that were formed by filing with the secretary of state will also have to report who their beneficial owners are.
If the company was formed before January 1, 2024, you have until January 1, 2025, to file your initial BOI. If your company was formed in 2024, you have 90 days after formation to file. Further, if any of the BOI changes in the future, you must report those changes within 30 days.
We want to offer you a streamlined solution. By outsourcing your BOI filings to Accavallo & Company, you can benefit in several ways. Don’t let BOI filing become a burden on your resources. Trust Accavallo & Company to handle your Beneficial Ownership Information filings, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your business.
Fill out our forms and connect with one of our experts.
Millions of companies operating in the US are required to report beneficial ownership information (BOI). Your time to file a Beneficial Ownership Information Report (BOIR) before the deadline may be limited. Stay compliant with the new federal reporting requirement with our assistance. We will file the necessary information about the individuals who own or control your business with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Missing the deadline could result in significant criminal and civil penalties. We’ll ensure your filing meets all federal requirements, helping you avoid liability and any associated fees.
Gain peace of mind with our accurate, compliant filing service, guaranteeing that all required information about beneficial owners is included.
We are open on Saturdays starting from the second week in February to April 15th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Extended evening hours are available upon request.
Sherri Fisher is a Tax Manager at Accavallo & Company, LLC. Sherri has longstanding expertise in Trust and Estate Taxation, Eldercare, and Estate planning. Sherri appreciates the relationships she has built with estate planning attorneys and advisors, to provide a team approach to assisting her clients. Sherri also has seasoned experience in business and individual taxation and is partial to assisting start-ups in developing overall accounting and operating plans.
Prior to joining Accavallo & Company, LLC, Sherri was a manager in a large firm, servicing high net worth trust clients, business, and personal clients. She was also a Partner in a large bookkeeping firm, which specialized in cloud accounting systems for regional and national companies. Sherri led a team in assisting clients to organize their accounting systems. She is a graduate of Florida Atlantic University with a B.S. degree in Accounting.
Sherri’s experience includes working with companies and organizations in a variety of industries including:
Investment Trusts
DAPT and Family Investment Partnerships
Estate and Probate Administration
Real Estate Investment
Marketing and Service-based industries
In addition to her professional accomplishments, Sherri is an Intuit Advanced Pro Advisor, Intuit Future Firm Advisory Board member, member of the Valley WIN Network, and proudly served as past Connecticut Public School liaison for the Yale Tommy Fund for Childhood Cancer. Sherri enjoys time with her family, Cleveland sports, thrifting and gardening.