A significant class action settlement involving Visa and Mastercard has been finalized, providing an opportunity for businesses affected by excessive swipe fees to receive compensation. This settlement addresses allegations that Visa and Mastercard charged businesses unfairly high fees for credit card transactions over a 15-year period.
Key Details of the Settlement
- Settlement Fund: The total settlement amount is $5.5 billion, which will be distributed among eligible claimants on a pro-rata basis.
- Affected Period: Businesses that accepted Visa or Mastercard payments between January 1, 2004, and January 25, 2019, are eligible to file a claim.
- Action Required: To participate in the settlement, businesses must file a claim by August 30, 2024, through the official settlement website, Payment Card Settlement.
Understanding Swipe Fees
Swipe fees, also known as credit card interchange fees, are charges incurred when businesses accept payments via credit cards. These fees are intended to cover the cost of processing transactions but have often been criticized for their complexity and lack of transparency.
Benefits of the Settlement
- Settlement Payment: Businesses that file valid claims will receive a share of the $5.5 billion settlement fund. The exact amount each claimant receives will depend on the total number of claims filed and the volume of transactions they processed during the affected period.
- Future Changes: In addition to the financial compensation, Visa and Mastercard have agreed to lower their swipe rates by at least 0.04 percentage points. This reduction will be in effect for five years, providing ongoing savings for businesses. Furthermore, the settlement includes provisions to eliminate anti-steering rules, allowing businesses more flexibility in directing customers toward lower-cost payment methods.
How to File a Claim
To ensure you receive your share of the settlement, it is crucial to submit a valid claim before the deadline. The process is straightforward and can be completed online. For assistance, businesses can reach out to their Accavallo & Company representative or contact us directly at 203-925-9600 or email: [email protected].
Act now to take advantage of this opportunity and secure your business’s rightful compensation.