Is Your Nonprofit Board Truly Independent? IRS Guidelines to Know

Are the members of your not-for-profit’s board truly independent? You might instinctively say “yes,” but ensuring director independence goes beyond simply avoiding conflicts of interest. The IRS has a specific four-part definition of independence, and if a majority of your board members don’t meet these criteria, your organization’s governance could be questioned by the IRS, […]
Are Your Nonprofit Board Meetings as Efficient as They Should Be?

According to BoardSource, nonprofit boards that meet monthly should wrap up all business within one to two hours. If your meetings often run longer, it could be a sign of poor planning and focus. This lack of structure may frustrate busy board members, cause them to lose confidence in leadership, or even lead them to […]
Combatting Negative Public Perceptions of Your Nonprofit

A 2023 survey by Indiana University’s Lilly Family School of Philanthropy offered nonprofits both encouraging and concerning insights. While the public trusts philanthropic organizations more than government and businesses, 30% of respondents feel nonprofits are on the “wrong track,” and only 18% believe they’re on the “right track.” The remainder were undecided. As a nonprofit […]
Secure Your Nonprofit by Safeguarding Volunteers from Legal and Tax Risks

As a leading tax firm specializing in nonprofit organizations, we understand the critical importance of comprehensive risk management for not-for-profit leaders. While you diligently protect your facilities, assets, staff, and clients, have you considered the potential legal and tax liabilities facing your volunteers? Despite the protections offered by the federal Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, […]